The Peachy Nutritionist

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How to Detox Kids: 7 Daily Detox Practices To Do With Your Kiddos

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As a mom, you’re always doing your best to keep your kids healthy and safe. You pack them nutritious lunches, ensure they get enough sleep, and monitor their screen time.

But there’s one area you may not have considered, wellness mama: how to detox your kids’ bodies. In today’s world, toxins are everywhere— from the food they eat to the air they breathe—making it more important than ever to help your little ones detox naturally. But don’t worry, mama, I’m here to break it down for you!

In this family & mom wellness blog, we’ll dive deep into why kids need detoxing, how the body detoxes on its own, how to recognize when your child needs a detox, and specific daily practices to safely detox kids, including the benefits of a detox bath for kids.

Why Do Kids Need to Detox?

You might be wondering, why do kids need to detox? After all, their bodies are still young and developing! But that’s actually part of the problem. Kids are more susceptible to toxins because their detox systems—while powerful—are not fully developed yet.

Add to that the fact that our environment today is filled with more pollutants, chemicals, and toxins than ever before.From the preservatives in processed foods to pesticides, artificial dyes, and even contaminants in the air and water, kids are exposed to countless toxins every day.

Their bodies are designed to detox naturally through various pathways, but sometimes the "toxin bucket" fills up faster than it can empty. This overload can lead to oxidative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, and impaired cellular signaling, manifesting as various health issues. For example:

  • Fatigue may result from mitochondrial stress and ATP depletion due to toxin-induced oxidative damage

  • Behavioral problems can stem from neurotoxin accumulation affecting neurotransmitter balance and synaptic function

  • Skin irritations often indicate a compromised liver detoxification pathway, particularly phase II conjugation reactions

  • Immune dysregulation can occur when persistent organic pollutants (POPs) accumulate in adipose tissue, leading to chronic low-grade inflammation

These issues arise when detoxification pathways—such as glutathione conjugation, methylation, and sulfation—become overwhelmed by the toxic burden.

How Your Body Detoxes Normally

Before we talk about supporting your child's detox process, let's discuss how their bodies naturally remove toxins. Your child's body has several effective systems for eliminating harmful substances:

  1. The Liver: In children, the liver is still developing its detoxification abilities. It uses a two-step process to break down and remove toxins. The first step changes toxins into different forms, while the second step prepares them for removal from the body. For kids, this process needs specific nutrients like B vitamins and amino acids to work properly, which can be obtained through a balanced diet.

  2. The Kidneys: Children's kidneys are more sensitive to toxins than adults'. These organs clean the blood by filtering out water-soluble toxins and waste products. In kids, it's crucial to support kidney health through proper hydration and a diet low in processed foods.

  3. The Gut: A child's digestive system is crucial for detoxification. Good bacteria in the gut produce substances that help maintain intestinal health and assist in toxin elimination. For kids, maintaining a healthy gut through probiotics and fiber-rich foods is essential for overall health and detoxification.

  4. The Skin: As the body's largest organ, a child's skin helps remove toxins through sweat. This process can help eliminate certain toxins, though children's skin is more sensitive and absorbs substances more readily than adult skin. Keeping kids' skin clean and using natural, non-toxic products is important.

  5. The Lymphatic System: In children, this network of vessels and nodes helps remove toxins and cellular waste from tissues throughout the body. Encouraging physical activity and movement in kids is crucial for proper lymphatic function and toxin removal.

Okay, so here's the deal, mama. Our bodies are like these amazing, built-in detox machines. They're usually pretty great at keeping things balanced. But let's be real - our modern world is throwing a lot at our kiddos.

We're talking Doritos packed with artificial flavors and colors, cherries coated in pesticide residues, clothes treated with flame retardants, plastic toys leaching phthalates, and even some over-the-counter medications with questionable inactive ingredients. It's a constant barrage of toxins for those little developing bodies to process.

When our kids' systems get overwhelmed, it's like a game of cellular Jenga - things can start to get a bit wobbly. But as a fellow mom navigating this wild world, I totally get it. It can feel like A LOT.

But the cool thing is that understanding how our bodies work helps us make choices that support our kids' health without going overboard.

Remember, we're not aiming for perfection here. Small, consistent steps in the right direction can make a big difference. So, let's chat about some ways to support those amazing little bodies and help our kids thrive.

How Do I Know if My Child Needs a Detox? Signs & Symptoms Kids Need a Detox

So, how do you know if your child’s "toxin bucket" is overflowing and they need a detox? Look for these common signs and symptoms:

  • Chronic fatigue: Even after a full night’s sleep, your child seems sluggish or has low energy throughout the day.

  • Behavioral issues: Hyperactivity, mood swings, irritability, and difficulty focusing can all be signs of toxin overload.

  • Frequent headaches: If your child often complains of headaches, it could be due to toxins affecting their nervous system.

  • Skin problems: Rashes, eczema, or other skin irritations are common signs the body is struggling to detox.

  • Digestive issues: Constipation, bloating, or gas can indicate that your child’s gut is struggling to eliminate toxins properly.

  • Weak immune system: If your child is frequently sick or takes longer than usual to recover from illnesses, their immune system may be overwhelmed by toxins.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, it may be time to consider detox strategies to help their body restore balance.

How Do I Detox My Child's Body?

Detoxing kids isn’t about strict juice cleanses or fasts. It’s about supporting their natural detox pathways so their bodies can eliminate toxins more effectively. Here are some gentle, daily practices to detox kids safely and naturally:

7 Daily Practices for How to Detox Kids

1.Detox Bath for Kids

A detox bath for kids is one of the simplest and most effective ways to support your child's detoxification processes.

The warm bath opens pores, facilitating the absorption of beneficial minerals like magnesium through the skin. This process, known as transdermal absorption, bypasses the digestive system and allows for efficient uptake of these nutrients.

The warmth of the bath causes vasodilation (widening of blood vessels), which in turn stimulates lymphatic circulation. The lymphatic system plays a crucial role in removing cellular waste and toxins from tissues throughout the body.

As the body temperature rises slightly in the warm bath, it triggers the sweating process. Sweat glands act as a route for excreting various toxins, including heavy metals like lead and mercury, as well as organic compounds like BPA and phthalates.

The magnesium in Epsom salts (magnesium sulfate) supports numerous detoxification pathways:

  • It acts as a cofactor for glutathione production, the body's master antioxidant and detoxifier.

  • It supports Phase II liver detoxification, particularly the sulfation pathway, which is crucial for processing certain hormones and environmental toxins.

  • It helps activate vitamin D, which is important for immune function and cellular detoxification processes.

The warm bath and magnesium absorption promote relaxation, shifting the nervous system into a parasympathetic state. This "rest and digest" mode is crucial for optimal detoxification, as stress can impair the body's ability to eliminate toxins effectively.

The minerals in the bath can help strengthen the skin's protective barrier, potentially reducing the absorption of environmental toxins through the skin in daily life.

By incorporating these scientifically-backed elements, a detox bath becomes a powerful yet gentle tool to support your child's natural detoxification systems, promoting overall health and resilience against environmental stressors.

Keep reading below for my go to recipe for a detox bath for kids.

2. Get Your Kids To Drink More H20!

Water plays a crucial role in detoxification for children from a functional medicine standpoint. Here's why it's so important:

Staying hydrated is essential for your child's detoxification processes. When kids drink enough water, their cells can efficiently remove waste and toxins. Their kidneys, which are key players in detoxification, work better when well-hydrated. They can filter out toxins, waste, and excess minerals more effectively.

Water is also vital for your child's liver function. It helps produce bile, which is necessary for breaking down fats and carrying away toxins. When your child is properly hydrated, you're supporting both Phase I and Phase II liver detoxification pathways, which are crucial for processing environmental toxins they may encounter.

Your child's lymphatic system, another important part of the body's detox process, relies on proper hydration to maintain fluid balance and efficiently transport toxins out of tissues.

And don't forget about gut health! Water helps maintain the mucosal lining of your child's gut, supports a healthy microbiome, and promotes regular bowel movements - all of which are essential for eliminating toxins from their body.

By prioritizing hydration for your kids, you're empowering their bodies to naturally detoxify and maintain optimal health. Remember, every glass of water your child drinks is supporting their body's incredible ability to cleanse and renew itself, setting them up for better health now and in the future. But I say “water” because this can't be swapped out with juice. Most kid juice is filled with unwanted sugar! But I do recommend adding electrolytes. if your kids will drink them, LMNT electrolytes are great for hydration!

To support your child's hydration and detoxification processes:

  • Aim for about 4-8 cups of water daily, depending on your child's age, size, and activity level.

  • Offer water-rich fruits and vegetables like watermelon, cucumbers, and celery. These not only provide hydration but also contain natural electrolytes and phytonutrients that support detoxification pathways.

  • Consider adding a pinch of high-quality sea salt to water to enhance mineral content and support electrolyte balance, which is crucial for cellular detoxification processes.

Remember, while increasing water intake, it's important to ensure the water is clean and free from contaminants. Consider using a high-quality water filter like the Berkey Water Filter to remove potential toxins like chlorine, fluoride, and heavy metals, which could otherwise add to the body's toxic burden.

3. Support Their Little Tummy (aka Gut Health)

A healthy gut is crucial for detoxification in children. Their little gut microbiome plays a HUGE role in supporting their body's natural detoxification processes. Here's how it works:

The gut microbiome produces enzymes that help break down toxins and other harmful substances. These beneficial bacteria also create short-chain fatty acids (SCFAs) like butyrate, which support the integrity of the gut lining. A strong gut barrier is essential for preventing toxins from entering the bloodstream.

Plus, a diverse and healthy gut microbiome supports the body's glutathione production. Glutathione is a powerful antioxidant that plays a crucial role in detoxification, particularly in the liver. It helps neutralize free radicals and assists in the removal of heavy metals and other toxins.

To support your child's gut health and enhance their natural detoxification abilities, focus on these key areas:

  • Fiber-rich foods: Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains act as prebiotics, feeding the beneficial bacteria in your child's gut. Aim for a variety of colorful plant foods to ensure a diverse range of nutrients and fiber types. Tip: Make it fun! Create rainbow plates with different colored fruits and veggies. Let kids choose a new fruit or veggie to try each week at the grocery store.

  • Fermented foods: Yogurt, kefir, and other fermented foods contain probiotics that can help populate the gut with beneficial bacteria. These foods can also support the production of those important SCFAs. Tip: Try making homemade yogurt popsicles or smoothies with kefir. For adventurous eaters, introduce small amounts of sauerkraut or pickles as fun, crunchy sides.

  • Avoid processed foods: Many processed foods contain additives and preservatives that can disrupt the gut microbiome and add to the body's toxic load. Opt for whole, unprocessed foods whenever possible. Tip: Involve kids in meal prep. Let them help wash vegetables, mix ingredients, or assemble their own wraps or salads. This hands-on approach can make them more excited about eating whole foods.

Remember, every child's gut microbiome is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Pay attention to how your child responds to different foods and adjust accordingly.

By supporting your child's gut health, you're not just helping their digestion - you're giving their entire body the tools it needs to effectively process and eliminate toxins, setting the foundation for lifelong health.

4. Get Back to Eating WHOLE Food…the majority of the time

Our little ones are facing a unique challenge in today's world. Their developing bodies are bombarded with toxins from processed foods, pesticides, and artificial additives. These toxins can overwhelm their still-maturing detoxification systems, potentially leading to various health issues.

Here's what's happening inside their bodies: The liver, our primary detox organ, uses a two-phase process to neutralize and eliminate toxins. In Phase I, enzymes transform toxins into less harmful substances. Then, in Phase II, these substances are further modified to be easily excreted. However, when kids consume too many processed foods loaded with artificial ingredients, these pathways can become overloaded.

Moreover, many of these processed foods lack the essential nutrients that support detoxification. For instance, cruciferous vegetables provide sulfur compounds that aid in Phase II detoxification. When kids don't get enough of these foods, their bodies struggle to efficiently process and eliminate toxins.

But by focusing on clean, organic, whole foods, we're not just avoiding harmful additives. We're actively supporting our kids' natural detox processes. Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants help neutralize free radicals, reducing oxidative stress on their bodies. Fiber-rich foods support healthy gut function, which is crucial for toxin elimination. And foods high in B-vitamins and folate provide the nutrients necessary for optimal liver function.

Remember, every bite of whole food is an opportunity to nourish and support your child's body. It's not about perfection, but about making informed choices that set them up for long-term health. By prioritizing these nutrient-dense foods, we're giving our kids' bodies the tools they need to thrive in our modern environment. It's a simple yet powerful way we can protect and nurture their health every single day.

if you're kids are pushing back, I always go to making smoothies, soups and snacks. These are all perfect for squeezing in extra veggies! Frozen cauliflower in smoothies are a little secret. I also have this amazing smoothie ebook with my top favorite kids smoothies, high in protein and veggies!

5. Encourage Those Little Sweaty Kiddos Running (Or Zooming) Around

PLEASE encourage yours kiddos to get out and be active as much as possible! I have two little boys and I need it just as much as them! (Trust me!)

Physical activity plays a crucial role in supporting your child's natural detoxification processes. Here's why it's so important:

  • Lymphatic System Stimulation: Unlike our circulatory system, which has the heart to pump blood, the lymphatic system relies on body movement to circulate lymph fluid. This fluid carries toxins and waste products away from cells for elimination. When your kids are active, they're essentially "pumping" their lymphatic system, helping it to more efficiently remove toxins from their bodies.

  • Increased Circulation: Exercise boosts blood flow throughout the body, including to detox organs like the liver and kidneys. This improved circulation helps these organs function more effectively, supporting their natural detoxification processes.

  • Enhanced Sweating: When kids get active and break a sweat, they're not just cooling off - they're actually eliminating toxins through their skin. Sweat can carry out various toxins, including heavy metals and BPA.

  • Improved Gut Motility: Regular physical activity helps stimulate the digestive system, promoting more frequent bowel movements. This is crucial for eliminating toxins and waste products from the body.

Now, you might be wondering, "How can I make this happen for my kids?" The good news is, it doesn't have to be complicated or feel like a chore. Here are some fun, kid-friendly ways to boost physical activity and support kids detox:

  • Outdoor Play: Encourage your kids to run, jump, and play outside. Not only does this provide great physical activity, but exposure to fresh air and sunlight (for vitamin D production) also supports overall health and detoxification.

  • Dance Parties: Put on some music and have a family dance party. It's a great way to get moving and have fun together.

  • Trampoline Time: If you have space for a trampoline, it's an excellent way to stimulate the lymphatic system. The up-and-down motion is particularly effective for lymph circulation.

  • Active Games: Games like tag, hide-and-seek, or obstacle courses get kids moving without feeling like exercise.

Remember, every bit of movement counts. It's not about intense workouts - it's about consistent, enjoyable activity that gets your kids moving regularly. By encouraging physical activity, you're supporting their bodies' natural detoxification processes and setting them up for better health now and in the future. Honestly, I love playing tag with my kids. Like when have you yourself played games? It may humble you a bit…but maybe it'll give you the nudge to stay active with them to keep up with them!

6. Sleep, Sleep, Sleep

Sleep is truly a superpower when it comes to our kids' health, especially their detoxification processes. Here's what's happening in their bodies during those precious nighttime hours:

  • Glymphatic System Activation: During sleep, our children's brains activate what's called the glymphatic system. This incredible process, which is 10 times more active during sleep than wakefulness, acts like a waste removal system for the brain. It clears out toxins, metabolic waste, and even proteins associated with neurodegenerative diseases.

  • Cellular Repair and Regeneration: Sleep is when our kids' bodies go into repair mode. Cells throughout the body, including those in detoxification organs like the liver, undergo repair and regeneration. This process is crucial for maintaining the efficiency of these organs in processing and eliminating toxins.

  • Hormone Regulation: During sleep, our children's bodies regulate important hormones like cortisol (stress hormone) and growth hormone. Proper hormone balance is essential for optimal detoxification processes. For example, growth hormone stimulates tissue repair and supports liver function, a key player in detoxification.

  • Immune System Boosting: Sleep enhances our kids' immune function. A strong immune system is crucial for identifying and eliminating toxins and pathogens from the body. During sleep, the body produces and releases cytokines, which are proteins that target infection and inflammation.

Now, you might be wondering, "How can I make sure my child is getting enough quality sleep to support all these amazing processes?" Here are some practical tips:

  • Consistent Sleep Schedule: Try to maintain a regular bedtime and wake-up time, even on weekends. This helps regulate your child's circadian rhythm, which is crucial for initiating those nighttime detox processes.

  • Create a Calming Bedtime Routine: This could include a warm bath (which can also aid detoxification through the skin!), reading a story, or some gentle stretching. These activities signal to your child's body that it's time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

  • Limit Blue Light Exposure: The blue light from screens can interfere with melatonin production, a hormone essential for sleep. Try to avoid screens for at least an hour before bedtime, or use blue light blocking glasses if that's not possible.

  • Optimize the Sleep Environment: Keep your child's room cool, dark, and quiet. Consider using blackout curtains and a white noise machine if needed.

Remember, mama, every child is unique, and what works for one might not work for another. Some nights, my youngest would come down 20+ times…other nights I had 2 little boys in bed with me, taking up the bed. It's all about finding what helps your little one get the restful sleep they need to support their body's natural detoxification processes.

By prioritizing your child's sleep, you're not just avoiding cranky mornings (though that's a nice bonus!). You're actively supporting their body's incredible ability to cleanse, repair, and prepare for the adventures of a new day. It's a simple yet powerful way we can nurture our children's health every single night.

7. Ditch the Freakin Toxins, Mama

In today's world, our little ones are exposed to a complex cocktail of chemicals daily. These toxins can come from various sources:

  1. Household cleaners: Many conventional cleaners contain harsh chemicals like phthalates, which can disrupt hormones, and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) that can irritate the respiratory system.

  2. Synthetic fragrances: These often contain endocrine disruptors that can interfere with our kids' developing hormonal systems.

  3. Personal care products: Many skincare and bath products for kids contain parabens and other potentially harmful ingredients that can be absorbed through the skin.

Here's what's happening in our kids' bodies when they're exposed to these toxins:

Their developing organs, especially the liver and kidneys, work hard to filter out these harmful substances. However, children's detoxification pathways aren't fully mature, which means they may not process toxins as efficiently as adults.

The toxins that aren't eliminated can accumulate in fatty tissues and organs, potentially leading to various health issues over time. This is why we often talk about the "body burden" or "toxic load" in functional medicine.

Plus, exposure to certain environmental toxins during critical developmental stages can have long-lasting effects on our kids' health. For example, early exposure to endocrine disruptors can impact future reproductive health and metabolism.

BUTTT… As wellness mamas, we can take simple steps to reduce our kids' exposure to these toxins:

  1. Switch to natural cleaning products: Look for options with ingredients you can pronounce. Vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils can be great alternatives for many cleaning tasks.

  2. Choose fragrance-free: Opt for unscented versions of laundry detergents, lotions, and other household products.

  3. Read labels on personal care products: Look for items free from parabens, phthalates, and other potentially harmful chemicals.

  4. Filter your water: A good water filter can remove many contaminants from your drinking and bathing water.

  5. Choose organic when possible: This can help reduce exposure to pesticides and herbicides.

Remember, it's not about creating a perfectly toxin-free bubble - that's nearly impossible in our modern world. It's about making informed choices to reduce exposure where we can. Every small step counts in supporting our kids' natural detoxification processes and overall health.

By being mindful of the products we bring into our homes and use on our kids' bodies, we're giving their developing systems the best chance to thrive. It's a powerful way we can protect and nurture our children's health every single day.

How to Make a Kids Detox Bath

One of the most effective ways to help your child detox is with a detox bath. Not only is it soothing, but it also encourages the body to eliminate toxins through the skin. Here's how to make a simple kids detox bath.

Recipe for Detox Bath for Kids


  • 1/2 cup of Epsom salts (rich in magnesium to help detox)

  • 1/4 cup of baking soda (helps neutralize toxins and soothe the skin)

  • 2–3 drops of lavender essential oil (optional, for relaxation)

  • Warm water (not too hot for kids’ sensitive skin)


  1. Fill the bathtub with warm water. Make sure it’s warm enough to open the pores but not too hot to be uncomfortable for your child.

  2. Dissolve the Epsom salts and baking soda in the bathwater.

  3. Add 2–3 drops of lavender essential oil for added relaxation.

  4. Have your child soak in the bath for about 15–20 minutes. Encourage them to relax, play quietly, or even read a book to keep them calm.

  5. After the bath, pat their skin dry and encourage them to drink water to help continue flushing out toxins.

You can do a kids detox bath 2–3 times a week, depending on their needs. It’s a gentle, effective way to support their detox process without being too invasive or overwhelming.

Final Thoughts on How to Kids Detox

As a mom, knowing how to detox your child’s body can feel empowering. In a world full of toxins, we can’t completely avoid exposure—but we can support our kids’ natural detox processes. From daily practices like hydration and gut health to more specific interventions like a detox bath for kids, there are many simple, safe ways to ensure your little ones can thrive in a toxic world.

Take it one step at a time, mama. With these gentle detox strategies, you’re helping to build a foundation of lifelong health for your kids.

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Bailey Petrucelli is a Women’s & Family Nutritionist and wellness advocate, passionate about helping moms and families take charge of their health. On her blog, The Peachy Nutritionist, she shares practical tips, empowering holistic wellness information, nutritious recipes, and real-life wellness strategies to empower moms to create a healthy and balanced lifestyle for their families.

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